Host Static Website on EC2

Host Static Website on EC2

Problem Statement

Host A Static Website on EC2

  1. Create an EC2 Machine with OS as Linux Amazon Linux 2

  2. After Creating the instance Install the Apache Server and start the Apache service also make it a startup service so it can automatically start at the startup

  3. Now change the Content of index.html in directory var/www/html/ to Hello World


Launch an EC2 instance by login into your AWS Account we are using Amazon Linux 2

Create a new key pair to connect to your instance.

Allow HTTP Traffic for your instance by enabling the checkbox.

Note: - Without HTTP Access your website is not accessible globally.

Now Connect to your Instance.

Now the most important steps.

Install the Apache Server By using Below Command

yum install –y httpd

Now start the Apache service by using below command

systemctl start httpd

Now to run Apache Service automatically at startup use the below command

systemctl enable httpd

Now to put your html code to the file use below command

echo “<h1>Hello World</h1>” /var/www/html/index.html

Now Access your website with the public IPV4 address.