Elastic Beanstalk Python Application on AWS


1 min read

Host A Sample Application of Python Using Elastic Beanstalk

Create an Elastic Beanstalk Application using Python for the Platform you can use a Sample Application or provide your own Project. Once created Verify that, it is successfully hosted on the Web.

Elastic Beanstalk Python App

Search Elastic Beanstalk on your AWS Console

Open Elastic Beanstalk and Click on Create Application

Now Give Your Application Name

In Platform Select Platform as Python In Platform Branch we are using Python 3.7 In Platform Version select 3.4.1 for reference use the below Image

In Application Code we are using Sample Application Provided by AWS.

After that Click on Create Application, Now it will take 5-10 minutes to create the application & environment.

Wait until AWS creates the application & environment, Once it's completed you can see the below screen.

Now click on Go to Environment in the application section on your right side.

Now you can see the website successfully hosted with Elastic Beanstalk.
