Create DB RDS


1 min read

Create a MySQL Database with RDS with the following Configurations

  • Instance type = db.t2.micro

  • Storage Allocated = 20 GiB

  • Enable Storage Autoscaling & Maximum threshold = 22 GiB

  • Backup = 7 Days Retention

  • Port = 3306

Create a MySQL Database with RDS(AWS)

Go to your AWS Console & Search for RDS then Open it.

Now click on Create a Database

Now select the Engine we are using MySQL with version 8.0.30

Templates Should be Free Tier, so it will not charge anything

Give your Database Name & Password (should be 8 characters)

Choose Instance as db.t2.micro

Storage Allocated as 20 GiB

Enable Storage Autoscaling, we are using 22 Gib as the Maximum Threshold

We are also Activating the Backups with 7 Days of Retention

Let the remaining Settings as it is & Click on Create a Database.

It will Take Some Time to Create a Database, MySQL Database Successfully Created with RDS AWS Service
